This year's theme is......
Invention Convention
Dates:--> June 2, 2025 - June 4, 2025
Times: --> 2:30pm - 8:30pm <--
Location: Wills Equestrian Park, Alpharetta
Who: Boys and Girls, Rising 1st - 5th grade
Registration is OPEN until April 30, 2025
Early Registration pricing for rising 1st-5th graders is $175 per scout. (Price increases after March 1, 2025)
Each rising 1st grader (Tiger) must have a registered adult partner
Adult volunteers and Scouts BSA volunteers are needed (details below)
Full-time adult volunteers may register their potty trained 3-5 year old in the tot lot for $75.
We can't have camp without adult volunteers. Northern Ridge Cub Camp is staffed completely with volunteers. It's a lot of fun and a truely rewarding experience. Full-time volunteers also receive a discount for their campers.
Want to have more kids shooting on the range at one time? We are required to maintain an eight youth to one trained Rangemaster ratio. Sign up to be on the range and target activities team...
Scouts BSA are volunteers, just like adults. Know some that need service hours? Cub Camp is a great way to give back. Scouts BSA, Ventures, Sea Scouts & Girl Scouts grades 6th and above are all welcome.
Youth 11-12 years of age may volunteer as long as a parent is volunteering as well. 13+ are required for Den Chief and PLC positions.
Youth volunteers wanting to be part of the PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) must complete camp registration AND submit an application.
Contact with registration questions
If the dates for our camp don't work for you, have no fear. There are many others throughout the council. We all run very similar programs and have a great time. Check out this link for more details on the other day camps around the Atlanta Area Council.
Feedback is a Gift.... Please give us yours.
Check out our FAQ Section. This resource will be updated from now until camp starts.